Poetry Dose

#15 Heather Lang Cassera



Heather Lang Cassera—a poet, critic, literary editor, and educator—holds an MFA in Poetry with a Certificate in Literary Translation. In 2017 she was named Las Vegas' Best Local Writer or Poet by the readers of KNPR’s Desert Companion. Her poems have been published by or are forthcoming with The Normal School, North American Review, Pleiades, South Dakota Review, and other literary journals, and have been on exhibit in the Nevada Humanities Program Gallery. Heather curated Legs of Tumbleweeds, Wings of Lace, an anthology of literature by Nevada women, funded by the Nevada Arts Council and National Endowment for the Arts. She serves as World Literature Editor for The Literary Review, Faculty Adviser for 300 Days of Sun, and Co-Publisher for Tolsun Books. At Nevada State College, Heather teaches Composition, Professional Writing, World Literature, and more https://www.heatherlangwrites.com/ music: thelittlecomptonband.com https://open.spotify.com/artist/0j4U4PTrtqBEoRYVXIgtiU