Hammer Down Radio

HammerDown Radio Episode 9



Welcome back everyone to the 9th episode of the HammerDown Radio powered by KeepTruckin, with your host Jonathan Keane from our studio here at San Francisco. We’ll be welcoming back our long lost co-host, Travis Baskin, the head of Regulatory Affairs at KeepTruckin. So, today we’ll focus on a couple of topics like the recent guidance that's been given by the FMCSA and about a special committee that Travis has joined. Let's begin! Also, give us your feedback on the ‘truck horn’ at the beginning of every show. 01:50 - Happenings in the Memorial Day weekend. 04:25 - The impact ELD mandate is having on Agricultural Haulers. 05:25 - The new phenomenal guidelines that are given by the FMCSA. 15:50 - Travis joining the ATA - safety policy committee. It’s great to have Travis, our trusty co-host back! In Summer 2018, we plan to invite guests from outside. Reach out to us if you’re interested to be a part of HDR. Email us your suggestions for the next topic request, feedback or guest suggestion on our email ID: