Deschool Yourself With Zak Slayback And Jeff Till

DSY 6 - Schooling vs. education



Zak and Jeff talk about the difference between schooling and education. Topics include: School learning: - Being taught that learning is a grind, learn to hate learning - Memorization - Instructor-based learning – The lecture, 5,000 year old teaching technology - Learning by "not doing" - Testing and grades - Forgetting after the test - Absence of free play - Not taught critical thinking. Extrinsic incentives and punishments for ‘learning’ Do you know how to learn intrinsically? Does your relationship or experience with learning block you now from learning new things, taking chances, improving your self worth/self esteem Good education/learning - Learning is life-long and constant - The way you really learn today personally, in your work, for your hobbies, in your relationships, for fun - Resetting priorities on what is necessary or desirable to learn, not through a curriculum developed by bureaucrats, but through you interests and real-life needs - Intrinsic learning – learning as its own reward - Becoming