Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

You Asked For It: Part 2



Do you have questions about faith? That’s ok! Questions help us learn and grow. God is not afraid of our doubts and questions. Jesus welcomed and answered questions. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally answers part 2 of questions that were submitted by the VFC church family.  Were giants in the Old Testament real giants or just really big people? Genesis 6:2-5  Is it possible that there are aliens and other life forms on other planets and universes besides Earth?  How do we know that Christianity is the “right” religion? Why would God have people born in a country full of nonbelievers? Romans 8:16 Why is deliverance such a taboo topic in some of the church?  How do we deal with fellow believers who aren’t speaking the truth in love? Is it ever ok for believers to call out/correct other believers in public? Matthew 18:15-17, 1 Timothy 5:20 Christians and vaccines? Specifically, ones that alter your genome and others that contain aborted fetal cells?  Can someone really sell their souls to the devil like Rob