Awkward Moments With Collin A. Bullock

Episode 124 - Cult Member Jordan Beninah Holmes



In the bible, which is presumably a book you've heard of, Beninah was one of King David's mighty men.  Basically, a tough bad-ass kind of dude.  At one point he straight ups just kills a lion (Samuel 23:20).  A leader of a small cult in central Illinois prophesied that a child would be born, a great leader of men, and that child would be named Jordan Beninah.  A couple decades later, that child sat down with Collin to talk about being born into a cult, grappling with faith, suicide, death, murder, jerking off, and so much more!  Check us out on twitter at @awkwardpodcast, find us on Facebook at @awkwardmomentspod, and check out Collin's website at  Collin likes you, and wants to be your friend.