Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

153: Antia & Broderick Boyd of Find The One



A little about our guests. Antia and Broderick were in the same place in their lives, separately. Both were struggling to find “the one.” Struggling, depressed, frustrated, and alone, they each hired a dating coach (not the same one) began to understand what was going on, and found each other. And they are living happily ever after. A little about their business. After finding each other, Antia and Brody set out to help others find the love of their lives. Antia works with elite, single women and Brody works with elite single men. Antia studied Personality Psychology at UC Berkley, has spoken on over 100 stages and radio shows, including at Google, and studies everything she can in the areas of men and dating. Brody has a degree in Interpersonal Relationships, is an internationally published author, has spoken on stages, radio shows, and has spent over a decade studying women, relationships, and building self-confidence. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Don’t underestimate the power of having a ment