Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

136: Gleb Tsipursky and Agnes Vishnevkin of Intentional Insights



A little about our guests Gleb and Agnes love their scientific-evidence based conversations so much, they created a company to educate people and companies on the concept of rational thinking and wise decision making. Gleb is an author, speaker, consultant, coach, and social entrepreneur. He holds a PhD in the history of science, researching the intersection of psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and behavioral economics. He is also a professor at Ohio State. Agnes holds her MBA in Nonprofit Management and has worked in all areas of the non-profit field. Agnes loves using evidence based tools to work with thoughts and emotions and get to goals. She has served as the Vice President of the Humanist Community of Central Ohio. Both born in the former Soviet Union, Gleb and Agnes now make Columbus, Ohio their home. Gleb and Agnes married and are the human parents to two cats, age 11 and 6. A little about their business Starting with a conversation and taking it Meta (the conversation about the conversation) about