Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

124: Dr. Don Salyer, DC and Heather Havenwood of E2 Lab and Skinny Beam



A little about our guests. Dr. Don enjoys powerlifting, staying young (and helping others do the same) the Dallas Cowboys. That’s an assumption because he was once their chiropractor, but we figure he does! Dr. Don is all about health and fitness. Heather Havenwood has also become a fitness buff. She is a serial entrepreneur, health advocate and body builder. She, like Dr. Don is also a Texan. Dr. Don and Heather became engaged in August, 2016 and we look forward to their upcoming nuptials and a very long life together. A little about their business. Dr. Don is a chiropractor and Heather is an online entrepreneur running 3 companies, including one with Dr. Don. Heather’s marketing and promotion skills combined with Dr. Don’s ability to heal bodies, especially people over 40 as hormones start to go crazy, combined to create their healing center in Austin, Texas. In addition to chiropractic, Dr. Don created a line of Anti-Aging, Life Extension and Weight Loss products. Along with the Skinny Beam laser weight lo