Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

99: Stop Acting Like an Employee



About the show Michael Gerber described it best in the E-Myth books. Just because you’re great at something and you start a business, you didn’t necessarily make the jump from employee to entrepreneur. In today’s episode we explore a bit about getting out of the employee mentality you left behind so you can start working on your business, not in your business. When you are starting out and still the chief cook and bottle washer, be sure to document your activities for the next person you hire. Stop talking about what you can’t do. You’re the boss, you can do anything you want. Start asking if your choices are smart ones. And a few more tips. In order to grow, you need to stop being a control freak who thinks only you can do it right. The right people are out there. Find and train them. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – RealTogether247