Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

98: Scott & Debbie Viguie of Doctor Geek’s Laboratory



A little about our guests. Dr. Scott Viguie is a modern day Renaissance man. Debbie is a real live author and her books have been on the New York Times bestseller list. They have been married for 19 years and went into business together 4 years ago. Scott holds 2 doctorates and is an attorney and archeologist. He has a passion for educating others, especially when it comes to rekindling an interest in the sciences. Debbie is the author of over fifty novels including the Wicked series, co-authored with Nancy Holden and the Robin Hood Demon’s Bane series co-authored with James R. Tuck. Dr. Scott and Debbie have also co-authored the Tex Ravencroft science fiction adventure series. A little about their business. Dr. Scott and Debbie have created the audio show Doctor Geek’s Laboratory of Applied Geekdom and the live Doctor Geek’s Science Fair. Both are dedicated to STEM, now also STEAM (Science Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Doctor Geek combines science and fiction to educate and inspire others to