Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

90: Libby and Andy Banks of The Law Office of Libby Banks



A little about our guests. It’s almost as if Libby and Andy were meant to meet and get married. Both Libby and Andy moved around a lot while growing up. Andy lived in Texas, Georgia, Arizona, Utah and Oklahoma growing up. Libby lived in Georgia and went to college and law school at the University of Kansas. Libby and Andy met when they were 28 and both living in Oklahoma. But in high school, both Libby and Andy lived in Georgia, went to competing high schools, and both hung out at the same mall. Andy shopped there and Libby worked there. Libby and Andy have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl, the youngest. Their daughter is off to college, one son is back home again and the oldest is out of the house for good. They think. Both enjoy RV camping, reading and riding their quad in the cooler-than-Phoenix White Mountains. Andy still gets together with his fraternity brothers a few times a year for golf and possible mayhem. A little about their business. Libby has wanted to be an attorney since she was 11 and she still