Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

68: Suzie and Mike Marschhausen of



A little about our guests. Mike and Suzie met in college and became sweethearts and best friends. Mike got into fitness when he was deployed to Afghanistan is 2010. IT kept him strong and sane during a very tough time. Suzie was a bit overweight, having migraines, zero energy and mood swings. She looked to nutrition as a way to feel better. Mike came along on the research ride because, even though he worked out and on the outside he looked great, he was tired, had brain fog and frequent colds. Mike and Suzie love to travel and just can’t stay in one place. They’ve created a life for themselves that lets them travel and coach on fitness and nutrition. Mike and Suzie are newlyweds, married a mere six months. A little about their business. Mike and Suzie started their business about a year out of college. They determined early on that the traditional corporate job just wasn’t for them. With the research and trial and error in college, they created an online fitness and coaching business that allowed them to trav