Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

30: Justin & Tara Williams of The 8 Minute Millionaire and House Flipping HQ



A little about our guests. Justin and Tara have been married for 11 1/5 years and started in business as they started their lives together. They have 3 children who have become little entrepreneurs. A little about their business. They started out in business right from the beginning of their marriage. Neither had been an entrepreneur, although Justin had aspirations and started a few small ventures as a child. 8 Minute Millionaire is a podcast that teaches entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs “life lessons” for business. House Flipping HQ came as a result of hearing others say the real estate is the way to make money. So after taking a course, they started flipping houses. To date, they have flipped over 500 houses. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Take responsibility for your own unhappiness. Reading Material The 10X Rule: the Only Difference Between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone Get in Touch with Our Guests www.8MinuteMillionaire.comwww.HouseFlippingHQ.com