Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

29: Kirk & Kathy Buscho of North Valley Mechanical



A little about our guests. Kirk and Kathy have been married for 35 years. They have lived around the country and before moving to the Phoenix area, they lived in Colorado. On a vacation to Phoenix, Kirk looked around and said “We’re moving.” Just a few months later, they moved. Kirk and Kathy have 3 children, Kendra, Kyle and Konner. Kendra and Konner both work with their parents at North Valley Mechanical. The newest family member hanging out at the office is Charlie the puppy. A little about their business. After working for an HVAC company and having a few clients on the side, Kirk decided to venture out on his own. In 1982 he started his heating and cooling company in Colorado. In 1985, Kathy decided she wanted to stay home with her children, so she informed Kirk she was taking over operations and bringing the kids to work. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Don’t go into business with your spouse when your spouse is a work-a-holic. (Editor’s note – they still work together and they still love eac