Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

25: Richard and Bryn Huntpalmer of The Birth Hour Podcast



A little about our guests. Bryn and Richard consider themselves nomads. In the last several years they have had 12 addresses including selling everything and living in an RV for a while. This is their third time living in Austin, their current home base. Bryn and Richard are married, together 8 years and have 2 children – a son and daughter. A little about their business. Bryn set out to create The Birth Hour after researching and reading everything she could about giving birth when she was pregnant with her first child. Each podcast is the birth story of one woman, sharing her experiences and what it was like for her. Richard is the producer and the “back of the house” guy for the podcast. He helps Bryn put it all together and get the podcast out. These beautiful and different stories are empowering for the women who share them and for the listeners as new moms or moms to be. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Make small, achievable goals and build momentum. If you’re in the dreaming or starting stag