Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

21: Jay & Marie Yates of Crossing Over Paranormal Society. The “COPS” Crew



A little about our guests.Jay and Marie have been married just over 13 years and started their business together 10 years ago. They have 4 boys, 14, 19 and 22 years old. They started their company because one of their sons was being haunted. A little about their business. Jay and Marie are paranormal researchers or ghost hunters who have appeared on The Travel Channel and Biography Channel. The COPS Crew is a team of experienced paranormal investigators that respond to only the worst claims of hauntings and paranormal activity. Their passion is personal because of their son and they themselves being haunted. Jay and Marie lead tours around Arizona’s best haunts, speak at large scale venues including ComiCon and FearCon. They lecture and have been featured on several shows including Ghost Adventures and My Ghost Stories and in in talks. One piece of advice (the nutshell version)Listen to each other. A lot of couples don’t listen to each other. Listen intently and completely. Reading MaterialBooks on Tarot  Get