Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

20: Hawk & Caitlin Mikado of InVert Strategies



A little about our guests.As of September 14 when we recorded this episode, Hawk and Caitlin were married just a few days. They have been together for 2 years and in business together just 1 ½ years. Newly wed and somewhat newly together 24/7.Hawk is an adventurer and family guy who enjoys spending time with Caitlin, going to the zoo and Disneyland and just having fun every day. Caitlin is a graduate of Cal State San Marcos with a degree in Arts and technology and Video Production. She too loves the zoo, Disneyland and all things fun. Caitlin also volunteers with Ocean Sanctuaries where she sits on the board. A little about their business.InVert Strategies is a strategic marketing company. Caitlin is the video production half of the team. She is a genius behind the camera and makes everyone look good. One piece of advice (the nutshell version)Being a 24/7 couple is NOT for everyone. Be open to the fact that you could be in business if you currently aren’t. But be open to change the situation if the relationsh