Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

16: Omar Zenhom & Nicole Baldinu of $100 MBA and Webinar Ninja



A little about our guests. Omar and Nicole are currently engaged with a wedding planned in January, 2016. Omar started out at the Wharton Business School but soon became frustrated with it and left. He is an educator who has spent in 11 years of education as a teacher, teacher-trainer, and manager.   Nicole hails from Australia and, as Omar says, has a great Aussie accent. She studied at New York Film Academy and started videography after her teaching stint in Dubai. She is the sensible one of the two (according to Omar). They met as university educators and went on to create $100 MBA. A little about their business. There were 5 or 6 businesses before the creation of The $100 MBA. Omar is the face and voice of The $100 MBA. Nicole is the video part of the operation. She is the one with all the good taste (according to Omar) and makes sure everything they put out looks and sounds great. You can listen to their short and powerful podcast, The $100 MBA. They are also the creators of Webinar Ninja, another learni