Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

000: Barry & Catherine Cohen



A little about our guests (that’s us!). So first of all, be kind. This is our first attempt at Show Notes and our first attempt at a podcast. “We” are Barry & Catherine. We met on a BBS (pre-cursor to internet dating) in 1995. When we first met, Barry mentioned that he was going to move to Arizona by the end of the year and Catherine was fine with that because she wasn’t looking for a long term relationship anyway. Barry moved to Arizona from New York in October and Catherine followed in December. In the few months we had dated the thought was “We get along fine. Let’s move out together.” We’ve been married since 1996. Our first venture into entrepreneurship, or as we liked to call it “screw this looking for a job stuff. Let’s start our own gigs.” Catherine had been going to school studying massage therapy and Barry, as always, was fixing computers for people and helping them to build websites. In 2003 after each having a successful business and being members of a barter exchange, we decided to launch our