Minister's Toolbox

EP 49: Are You Enlightened Or Effective?



Have you noticed that reports of the miraculous are much more plentiful in third world countries than in the U.S. or Europe?  For our part, we pretty much dismiss most of it as ignorance, superstition and unimportant. A philosophy governs society and permeates our educational system. It affects how we view ourselves and the world. To a large extent this philosophy deeply hinders gospel efforts by both churches and leaders. The worse thing is, the vast majority of us are not even aware of this. It occurred several hundred years ago and now thoroughly dominates the lives of millions of people. The Enlightenment proposed that science and logic give people more knowledge and understanding scripture. I discuss how this philosophy has hindered the effectiveness of our members during the podcast. I mentioned that you can listen to the first chapter of my book, When A Good Church Goes Bad, but now that it is published, you can read the first three chapters here.