Minister's Toolbox

EP 05: What Role Does Politics Play In Ministry Work?



Should church leaders align themselves with one political party over another? What happens to those who do? When we put our trust in any candidate, party or ideology, we step away from God's calling and destiny upon our lives. Ministers are called by God to be societal change agents. When peoples' hearts change, then their actions change. Historically, revivals do not follow political actions. Good government follows revivals because the focus switches from self interest to honoring and serving God. I mention receiving a free book from You can get that here. I also invite you to give us an honest review at ITunes. Transcript of Today's Show Let’s do a little time travel. The year is 1984. Patti and I are at the beginning stages of planting a new church in a new city, holding services in the local elementary school. Nationally, the hot-button issue is abortion. Randall Terry has catapulted into the news cycle on every TV screen as the head of Operation Rescue. For those unfamiliar with this grou