Be Bold With Beth Whitman

121 ~ Sabrina Seher on Staying Fit During a Pandemic



** If you find yourself struggling and need something to lift you up, the Be Bold Facebook group (for ladies only) has been a wonderful way for us to encourage each other. Normally we post the things we’re doing to Be Bold but over the past few weeks, we’ve been posting each day the things that we’re doing to stay happy and healthy right now. There are some great ideas that others have shared so please join us! ***** I’m going to be doing something a little different for the foreseeable future. As you likely know, I have only ever recorded with my guests in-person. We sit down and chat for in-depth, long-form conversations. But, obviously, that’s just not possible right now. And although I do have a number of these conversations already recorded and ready to go, they just didn’t seem appropriate to release right now. So I’ve decided to pivot a little bit and I’m sitting down (and by that I mean I’m sitting down at my laptop over Zoom) and recording with women who have knowledge and experience in certain field