Be Bold With Beth Whitman

120 ~ Staying Focused During Difficult Times - Deep Dive with Beth and Chris Fagan



Today’s episode is another deep dive with myself and Chris Fagan. I didn’t want to necessarily record one of these episodes ALL about the coronavirus. There’s plenty of information and resources out there. But I also didn’t want to completely ignore it and what it’s doing to all of us right now. I’ve seen a lot of people on Facebook expressing their struggle with not being motivated and not wanting to do things because everything is so uncertain. I think the current challenge for most of us is staying focused, staying upbeat and actually getting stuff done. Now I don’t want to just gloss over the enormity of what’s going on right now, but I also can’t allow it to distract me, to derail me, to paralyze me. I have to keep moving forward. Look, I’m not judging people who are having a difficult time but I encourage you to get creative with your time, get creative with your work, focus on your health and let’s get through this without losing our sanity. With that in mind, what I wanted to do with Chris was talk ab