Be Bold With Beth Whitman

117 ~ Kelly Lewis ~ Women's Travel Entrepreneur



Today's conversation is with Kelly Lewis. I was really psyched to have the chance to sit down with Kelly. I’ve known her for a long time from the travel world, I even spoke at her conference about seven years ago. But we never had an opportunity to just sit and talk at any length. She just recently moved to Portland and during a trip I made down there, we finally had a long-overdue chat. Kelly is the founder of Women’s Travel Fest. She’s also the author of a guidebook series called Go! Girl Guides and she runs Damesly, a women’s tour company. So as you can imagine, we have a lot of things in common. In this episode we talk about her growing up in Hawaii with little chance to travel off-island, her move to the mainland for college and then getting hooked on travel after she graduated, her years in NYC where she was determined to take it by storm (which she did) as she built her business and her most recent move to Portland (Oregon, that is). We also talk about how she came about building her businesses and why