Be Bold With Beth Whitman

093 ~ Helen Thayer - Explorer and Adventurer



  Today's conversation is with Helen Thayer. I don’t think you can listen to this conversation and not be affected, changed or inspired on some level. It’s very likely that you’ll make different decisions today and going forward after you listen to today’s episode. I’ve known of Helen for, gosh, at least 20 years but likely much longer than that. She’s been on my radar for such a long time because some of the really amazing things she’s accomplished. And even though she lives in the Seattle area and we’ve been in touch over the years—like via email, I’m fairly certain this was the first time we met in person. But our sit-down was like slipping into a conversation with an old friend. Someone with whom I have common interests and am on the same wavelength but also someone whom I really admire and can look to for inspiration. So who’s Helen Thayer? Though she’s not a fan of promoting herself as the first person to do this or that, there’s no denying her accomplishments. At age 50, she was the first woman to trav