Be Bold With Beth Whitman

080 ~ Lia Ditton - Sailor, Ocean Rower and Adventurer



Support the podcast through Patreon and get access to special audio and written content, be part of a private Facebook group and enjoy other benefits reserved for supporters of the podcast! ***** Today's conversation is with Lia Ditton. Lia is a professional sailor and rower and she’s accomplished some amazing feats. At 25, Lia was the youngest competitor and the only woman to sail across the Atlantic in a race called the OSTAR. She did that solo! She’s gone on to compete in many other single-handed sailing races including the Route du Rhum which goes from France to the Caribbean, and the Transpacific Yacht Race which goes from California to Hawaii. She then got into ocean rowing and, among other things, did the Woodvale Challenge which is from the Canary Islands to the West Indies. But now, NOW Lia is training for a 5,500 mile solo row across the North Pacific from Japan to San Francisco. Yeah, 5,500 miles across the Pacific. Though two men claim to have completed this, as we talk about in this conversation,