Be Bold With Beth Whitman

077 - Jerilyn Brusseau - Peacetrees Vietnam Founder and Cinnamom



Support the podcast through Patreon and get access to special audio and written content, be part of a private Facebook group and enjoy other benefits only for supporters of the podcast! ***** Today’s conversation is with Jerilyn Brusseau. Jerilyn is a cook, baker, restaurateur, business-woman, humanitarian and cultural diplomat. She has led (and continues to lead) two very different lives that have both allowed her to pursue passions that have supported her over the years. And I think it’s fair to say she loves them both equally. Some of you may know Jerilyn as the founder of Peacetrees Vietnam, an organization dedicated to clearing landmines (more than 110,000 to date) from a heavily bombed region of Vietnam. Others may know Jerilyn as the Cinnamom – the woman behind the irresistible recipe that we know as Cinnabon. In this conversation, we talk in-depth about her work in Vietnam, a country devastated by war. Her work started more than 20 years ago when she and her late husband, Danaan Perry, got this crazy