Be Bold With Beth Whitman

067 - Natalia Koss Vajello - Activist and Feminist



Ladies! Please join our Be Bold Facebook Group! Natalia Koss Vallejo is an activist and feminist. And although she’s motivated by her anger, you wouldn’t know it from her demeanor. She’s a diminutive woman with a lion’s roar about the issues she cares about. And she isn’t shy at all about jumping right into sensitive topics. Topics that generally aren’t talked about publicly. In this episode, we talk about how Natalia got involved with politics at a very early age. That involvement, which you’ll hear about, rose out of her difficultly in obtaining an abortion in her late teens. It was at this time that she recognized an unjust and unfair system that affected not only her, but the many women out there in similar situations. This is what I find so amazing and so bold about her. That she was so mature at such a young age to not only recognize this but to also be so motivated to make changes to the system. Her frustration with this experience launched her into work at Planned Parenthood, NARAL and, ultimately, po