Be Bold With Beth Whitman

055 - Buddhist Teacher Linda Fane on belief, enlightenment and goals



Ladies! Please join our Be Bold Facebook Group! This is one of those episodes where you're going to want to grab a pen and paper and sit down to take notes. If you’re driving, running or exercising, be forewarned that you’re going to have to go back and re-listen to this so you can jot down the many quotes and gems that my guest today drops during this conversation. Today’s conversation is with recurring guest, Linda Fane. If you haven’t already listened to previous episodes with her, go back and check out episode 5 and episode 39. And I guarantee you’ll be in for a treat because this is like having your own private dharma teaching In this episode, we focused on belief, mainly in the sense of us being able to conjure up an idea or a goal and then be able to make that happen. And as a Buddhist teacher, of course, Linda brings with it this Buddhist perspective, specifically that the mind is the means to the end and that everything has been and will be created in the future because of our mind. Everything we kno