Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 057 - The Balancing Act of Life with Amy Sheehan



Life gets busy, life gets crazy, but when you learn to completely embrace the life that you have you are able to balance all the many roles that you play in life. It’s not just about being a great mom or about running a successful business. It’s about being YOU through and through and embracing everything that comes your way. In episode 57 I sit down with the amazing balancing woman Amy Sheehan and we talk about everything, kids, exercise, business, family and where she lives. Amy Sheehan is a Health & Wellness Life Coach  and comes to us from rural Down East, Maine. Her pride and joy are her 4 amazing children and her entrepreneurial husband. Family means the world to her! During the last 23 years, she has committed to homeschooling all of her kids at one point or another, helped her husband run an eco-tour company, an architectural salvage business, and is currently balancing working with him at his seafood and marine scientific supply company (Gulf of Maine, Inc) and growing her Health & Wellness L