Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 041 - Take Back Control Of Your Life



Who are you giving your power away to? Is it a situation, is it another person, is it the Universe? Often times you can find yourselves stuck in a situation that you no longer wish to be in but you have no idea how to get out. You can be in the middle of creating a business, or even at the very beginning, and have NO idea what to do. Your life keeps moving, but you feel as if you are making very little progress, if any at all. But what can you do about it?  A LOT! Episode 41 is all about your ability to control what happens in your life and how you react to it. It's about helping you to understand that at any point in life, you are in complete control of your future. In life you may have the ability to ask for help and to receive guidance from your guides, but it does not mean that they are in control of what happens. Even if an unfortunate event arises, it doesn't mean that control is totally out of your hands. If you want to make progress in your business or in any other area of your life but you feel like