Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 031: Heal Yourself and Rediscover Life with Anya Bruder



This week on Breaking Through Walls we hear a very inspiring story of a women named Anya Bruder who found herself facing an mobilizing and debilitating undiagnosed illness that caused her to not be able to leave her bed or move her hands. After finally getting clarity on what was happening in her body Anya made it her goal to heal herself and to become certified to help heal others. Anya is now the founder and owner of Coaching and Mind Mastery for Better Health.  Over the last 20 months, Anya has successfully managed her autoimmune disease, improving all her symptoms and eliminating some of them. She is now ready to share her personal experiences with others. Tune into Episode 31 to hear all about Anya’s story of recovery from illness and rediscovery of who she truly is. Learn how her focus remains on emotional well-being and Mind Mastery to change deeply ingrained patterns that don't serve us into something that will enable us to live a vibrant fulfilling life with emotional, physical and spiritual well-bei