Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 030 - Blending of the Masculine and Feminine Self - Dynamic Creation Part 3



Over the past two weeks we have discovered all about the masculine and feminine energetic traits and characteristics. We looked at the benefits and the drawbacks from having too much or too little of each of these energies. Episode 30 is the third and final part of this series and delivers the importance of blending the two energies into perfect harmony in your life. When you do, then you are able to be successful in yourself, your relationships, your career and all that you do. Learn how you can begin to balance these two energies and how to determine when the feminine or the masculine should be dominate. I also invite you to reach out and book a 20 minute FREE call with me to better understand what energies are leading your life and what ones still need to be enhanced. We can also look at how you can go about making the changes that are needed.