Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 003: Kevin's Story



At the age of 24, Kevin was faced with a life or death decision that would alter the course of his life forever. 15 years later, he has the ability to apply the same principles learned back then on a daily basis, which has given him the ability to build a life and business he never dreamed possible. In this episode, Kevin takes you through his own personal story, sharing some of the obstacles he faced along the way, and how he was able to overcome each one. He also discusses how he got to this point in his life, and talks about why he refuses to play by the rules. Life isn’t always rainbows and unicorns, and sometimes it’s the most trying times that truly define our character. After this episode, you’ll be able to face obstacles in your own life that have proven to be the hardest to overcome. WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you’re liking what you’re hearing from us, spread the word. Tell your friends, family...even your enemies. But also subscribe in iTunes and write us a quick review. This is what will allow us to ris