Holistic Nature Of Us: Holistic Living, Nature

Holistic Nature of Us: To Read is to Explore, Evolve, Embrace and Emerge: Part 1



Reading opens doors not only to our imagination but prods our inner worlds. We travel to unfamiliar landscapes. We explore new ideas, creative thoughts, and learn. Hopefully, we evolve within ourselves too, relating to the human condition through stories both fact and fiction. and lastly, we can emerge changed. We use our inner senses to feel and know the heart of things, the trials, and the suffering. some even ask us to question more. Through the written word we can explore, evaluate, and embrace new values, connections, and maybe expand our inner horizons so that we may make a difference in the outer world. Books! I am a bibliophile, a deep lover of books, and the power of the written word. As producer and host of the podcast series, Holistic Nature of Us, I talk to folks all over our country, Canada, and even South Africa. I come away inspired by tireless efforts to make a difference here on our planet, one action step, one community, one organization at a time. So, I thought it would be fun to create a p