Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#059 Alisa Van Langeveld, PhD // Connecting with Your Child



"Usually we think our communicating is with our words, but our non-verbal communication is so much more powerful." Alisa shared so many amazing tidbits of information in our chat, this has definitely become into one of my top 5 favorite interviews on the Beyond Good Intentions podcast. She is so knowledgeable on a topic that I'm striving for daily with my children. She is a researcher of CONNECTION, and she shares how we can be more connected with individual family members with 10 minutes a day of quality time, the sweet spot of connection. "Long enough to make it meaningful and short enough to make it do-able", she says. She came upon this concept years ago when chatting with a friend that asked, "How do I be a good parent in a nutshell?" She had to ask herself in her own parenting as she found real life practice didn't come as naturally as she thought, having all the research. She asked herself, "Where does the theory and research and real life converge?" The answer: Connection. The most important thing we