Personal Branding For The Lgbtq Professional

#62: Author, speaker and transgender advocate, Jeremy Wallace shares his candid story of transitioning



Links mentioned in today's podcast: Jeremy L. Wallace | Transgender Keynote Speaker  Jenn T. Grace --- LGBT Marketing and Communications Expert Listen to the episode by clicking the play button below! Would you prefer to read the transcription than listen to the episode? No problem! Read the transcript below. AUDIO TITLE: Episode #62 – Jeremy Wallace Interview Jenn T Grace: So yeah, so let's just dive right in and let me ask you the first question which is if you could just share with the listeners of this podcast just a little bit about your story. So if you want to talk about what your path looked like that led you to the place you are today, talk a little bit about your professional past, your personal past. Really just kind of what makes you the Jeremy Wallace that we know today. Jeremy Wallace: Okay, wonderful. Well I am almost 44 years old, and I can say that about three years ago was the first time that I experienced what it was like to be truly happy. And that was because I had been pretty much imme