Personal Branding For The Lgbtq Professional

#016: Expert Interview with Mike & Maria Keiser, [Podcast]



This was a fun podcast to record. It's a great conversation between Mike and Maria Keiser, and myself. We have two main takeaways for this conversation. 1) The benefit of having a trusted group of peer advisors. 2) The power of knowing your own strengths and how to play to their advantage. Have a listen to hear more! Below are the items mentioned in this episode of the podcast. Entrepreneur Circle Peak Performance Podcast Mike's Favorite Podcast Episode: Interview with NFL great, actor, & personal trainer Pete Koch Maria's Favorite Podcast Episode: Two questions you should ask yourself everyday Are you a peak Performer Assessment  Download the Intro Program Listen to the podcast by clicking the play button below! Would you prefer to read the transcript than listen to the episode? No problem! Read the transcript below! (Coming soon!) AUDIO TITLE:  Episode #16 – Mike and Maria Keiser Jenn T Grace: You are listening to the Gay Business and Marketing Made Easy Podcast, Episode Sixteen