Personal Branding For The Lgbtq Professional

#014: Expert Interview with Mike Brooks, Nuclear Chowder Marketing [Podcast]



Listen to this interview with small business internet marketing expert, Mike Brooks. We talk about knowing your target market, the advantages of Facebook and much, much more! Below are the items mentioned in this episode of the podcast: Nuclear Chowder Marketing Nuclear Chowder Online Marketing for Small Business Podcast Facebook Advertising Human Rights Campaign (HRC) CABO, Connecticut Alliance for Business Opportunities (LGBT Chamber of Commerce) All Marketers Are Liars: The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works--and Why Authenticity Is the Best Marketing of All Triberr, Blogging Platform Fitbit Information About Facebook Exchange - Adroll & Amy Porterfield Articles Here is how you can get in touch with Mike: Podcast on iTunes Listen to the podcast by clicking the play button below! Would you prefer to read the transcript than listen to the episode? No problem! Read the transcript below. AUDIO TITLE: Episode #14 – Mike Broo