Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 201: Nick Pope (Again)



It hardly seems fair to have to wait more than two years between a Nick Pope release. But here we are…and the wait was well worth it. The singer-songwriter is not only back with a new album, Wowed Me Out, he's returning to Talk Music Talk for his second visit. Overflowing with melodies, Wowed Me Out was partly inspired by childhood nostalgia and features interludes from Nick’s family home videos from the 90s. [This episode features “Turned Ten” and “Holyoke” from Wowed Me Out in their entirety.] Purchase Nick Pope’s Wowed Me Out plus his other music on Bandcamp: Nick Pope on Talk Music Talk Episode #139: boice is the host/producer of a brand new podcast. The StrandCast, The Official Podcast of Strand Bookstore in NYC at 12th and Broadway. Every other week listen to longform conversations with authors from different genres. For more information and to stream, visit: STREAM/SUBSCRIBE ON SPOTIFY: