Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 109: Nicholas Nicholas



An album can be identified as a collection of singles surrounded by filler or ideally, a united suite with a statement or purpose. About Town, the third full-length release from Nicholas Nicholas occupies the latter role. The repetitive moniker is the solo project of Brooklyn-based singer/ songwriter Chris Masullo. Bristling amongst the dark-night-of-the-soul vocals and forlorn music of the brilliant About Town belie words that celebrate love and its accompanying emotions. Shades of a red herring? Perhaps, but it forces the listener to not place total faith in their first impressions. It's not necessary to feel tricked or deceived because complex music doesn't ever reveal all that it knows within a first sitting. Or even multiple ones. If considered as a short story collection, About Town is a less a series of songs than an assemblage of lives circling and thriving on the themes of ardor. It appears we've stumbled into Nicholas Nicholas Country. Purchase Nicholas Nicholas About Town:  https://nicholasnicholas.ban