Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 084: Bob Kosovsky



For any music lover, you have to admire someone who gets to spend their days in full-music submersion. Case in point, Bob Kosovsky. He's the curator of New York Public Library's Rare Books & Manuscripts Music Division. The Music Division is a genre-spanning public library that's home to a music clipping inventory (featuring over 46,000 names), more than 100,000 photographs and access to the papers of innovative artists like John Cage and Meredith Monk plus many more discoveries. The music library isn't just a resource hub for scholars and journalists doing research, it's also for the music geek or a tourist who wants to watch a taped performance of a Broadway show. Bob also teaches music theory through the Extension Division of Mannes College/The New School for Music and has been a Wikipedia editor since 2006. Visit Bob Kosovsky's blog:                                                            About the Music Division: