Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 077: Paul Weinfield



Singer/Songwriter Paul Weinfield's spiritually-minded essays began as an intersection between music and meditation that happened to garner a sizable Facebook following. The synthesis makes sense considering music has been an integral part of his life including writing songs on his guitar at age nine and meditating helped him cope with both health issues and a 10-year writers' block. On the other side of these past challenges, the New York-native released six albums under his Tam Lin project and also teaches meditation. Paul is currently contributing to the forthcoming album from Fairytales for the Fatherless plus working on a 2016 solo release. Visit Paul Weinfield on Facebook:                                        Subscribe to TMT on iTunes: Or Stitcher Radio: Or TuneIn Radio: If you enjoy the podcast, please take a moment to leave a review and/or rating.It Reviews and ratings help to i