Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 064: Fred Plotkin



As the premier opera music authority, Fred Plotkin possesses the history of Italy at his fingertips. Not by birthright, mind you, but still rooted in his DNA. A racially-diverse Brooklyn rearing included ample time spent in the homes of Italian friends which spawned a love for their rich culture. Fred also grew up on a constant diet of classical music in his own home. His love for all things Italian was set after Fred graduated high school and his mother rented a Tuscany apartment for them to spend a summer vacation. Eventually his twin passions of opera and Italian culture would lead to a storied career as journalist, lecturer and the author of nine books including Opera 101: A Complete Guide to Learning and Loving Opera and Italy for the Gourmet Traveler. Fred's expertise recently earned him the Cavaliere della Stella d'Italia, the Italian equivalent of knighthood, conferred by the president of Italy. Read Fred Plotkin's Operavore blog: