Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 058: Noah Padawer-Curry



For label head Noah Padawer-Curry, Onamazu represents the rarefied challenge of releasing electronica music that succeeds inside of the club and inside of your flat. The label specializes in Downtempo Bass music with an eclectic roster of artists from all over the world that blow up the definition of the genre. Since its April 2015 conception, Onamazu has achieved eminent signs of a bright future including 2000-plus SoundCloud followers and multiple featured placements on Spotify. For Noah and business partner/graphic designer Max Burstein, 2016 will surely bring in continued milestones with upcoming plans to expand into touring the label's acts and also, producing a clothing line that will appeal to both fans and anyone who loves graphics that are as singular as Onamazu's sound. Visit Noah Padawer-Curry and Onamazu online:                     Visit Max Burstein online:                                          Follow me on Instagram: