Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 054: The Bright Smoke



Is "Haunt" a musical genre? If not, may I humbly nominate Brooklyn duo the Bright Smoke as its progenitors? Consisting of Mia Wilson (vocals/guitar) and Quincy Ledbetter (multi- instrumentalist/filmmaker), their second full-length release, Terrible Towns, is the 2015 album most likely to break your heart before putting it back together. With Mia's soft-focus vocals and the evocative landscapes Quincy builds beneath her, the sustained mood is the highest example of why albums still matter. And if only to sweeten an already delicious aural dish, Quincy directed a video trilogy of Terrible Towns songs that premiered on Yes, "Haunt" definitely feels correct. Visit the Bright Smoke online:                               Purchase the Bright Smoke music on Bandcamp: Watch the Bright Smoke Terrible Towns video trilogy:                      Talk Musi