Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 003: Eyre



In a clear example of serendipity, I was in a TMT state of mind when I first heard Eyre's amazing voice. I was at the Barclays subway stop in Brooklyn and had just left my producer's studio. I was on a high because we'd completed "Liz"--the TMT theme song I'd written. My train was coming so I hastily typed in Eyre's website in my Notes app and checked out his website. I discovered through his blog he moved from California to New York nine months ago. He eloquently writes about his struggles in pursuing his musical dreams yet somehow maintains a positive attitude that is truly inspiring to anyone who's ever had a dream. Visit Eyre online: Eyre On YouTube: Supernatural (Miguel cover): I Am Light (India.Arie cover): Pretty Wings (Maxwell cover): Fight For You (original song):   TALK MUSIC TALK PLAYLIST: Eyre is currently working on his debut album which means we only have his YouT