Sure Thing Podcast

Sure Thing Mix 101: Joachim Spieth



A new season begins with a warm welcome to Joachim Spieth, founder of the Affin label. A true veteran of the scene, Joachim's first release dates back 1999 via Kompakt, and his own label narrates an impressive and storied history from 2007 onward. Recent years have seen quite the community grow around Affin's beloved output of ambient and techno, including recent stellar works from Einox and Toki Fuko, and last month's beautiful "Ousia" LP from Joachim himself. This mix is blanketed by a calm, snow-bound serenity yet its nature is far from laid-back. As ethereal as it is energetic, this mix drives forth the clarity of Joachim's vision — a brisk inhale of the coming storm, an idyllic wind lifting us into the gale. Thanks Joachim! @joachim-spieth @Affin Artwork by Danielle Kaidanow.