Andrea Dupuy Podcast

Are you living up to your potencial?



Hello guys I'm super excited to have you here with me today because I'm sharing a personal experience with you guys that made me realized that no matter what happens or what my mind tells me that I can't do, it is because I'm letting the fear of judgment take control of my feelings. Fear is not real; fear is a defense of the mechanism of our brain to keep us safe. What is real is to see your life pass by and when you are on the last day of your life, and you look back to the years you realized that you didn't live the life you wanted to live because you allowed other people to dictate how your life "should" look like. If you have a burning desire or a big dream in your heart, you know that you are meant to more :) Is losing weight, run a marathon, open a new business, or move to another country is in your heart? GO FOR IT!!! Don't let life pass by you; take one step today that will move you forward. The only way you can evolve in life is through taking massive and messy actions, and that's my friend