Stories From Syria Podcast

Stories from Syria Podcast One: Amr



After he earned his Master's in Lancaster University in 2009, Amr returned to his native Damascus. There he worked in his field -- Resource & Environmental Management --  leading up to and through the first years of the revolution. He had to leave -- first going to Iraqi Kurdistan, then to Gaziantep, Turkey. In the summer of 2016, he and his talented wife Rasha got the call -- they were coming to Canada. But the timing was problematic. Kareem, their son, was born two months prematurely (another long story), and, in intensive care, was unable to fly. Five months later, Kareem strengthened, they made the flight to Toronto as 2016 closed. They were sponsored by Toronto's Ripple Refugee Project. At the time of recording Amr had finished his contract working remotely for a Washington-based NGO with offices in Gaziantep. He has since been picked up by Médecins Sans Frontières in Toronto.